Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Letting Go of Hatred

I want to thank Frankie, the co-founder of Nobul, who brought this particular TED Talk to my attention. There are quite a few TED Talks that speak to the topic of terrorism, but Zak's speech in particular, about overcoming the barriers he thought were impenetrable, is something worth listening to. Personally, I thought this was beyond powerful and courageous for him to do this.

Many people were taught to fear the "other,"people who were different from them, in their upbringing. Some people were told that Black people are less intelligent than white people, that people with disabilities are incapable of learning and that people from different religions than their own should be avoided.  Negative stereotypes like these separate communities, groups and people from each other. I do my best not to categorize people and instead look at them as an individual. My Dad in particular tried really hard to make sure we didn't listen to "You Can't" because "We Can!" Each one of us is unique and when we push negative thoughts aside and hold on to positive people around us, we can indeed soar!

Zak said many things that resonated with me and almost brought me to tears. It's true that hatred demands so much energy while liking someone is easy in comparison. There will always be people who we don't like and that's alright, we don't have to like everyone, but we have to respect them. Growing up, I've watched teachers make fun of kids in the classroom who were different which negatively influenced the environment. I encourage everyone, especially those in authority, to really take a look at themselves and make the necessary changes to bring positivity into the space.

To the younger crowd, I hope what Zak said makes sense. Zak explains that peace is a choice and violence is a choice and each one of us is in control of what we choose. Spreading joy, peace, love, goodness and a host of other positive emotions and actions is far easier than finding new ways to hurt someone because of who they are. Like Zak's mother said, "I'm tired of hating people." Turn that around and make someone smile instead of hurt.

Enjoy your week!

--Ruth Jackson