Thursday, January 29, 2015

Never Say Never

Anthony Ianni, former MSU basketball player, should be considered a notable role model not only for those with disabilities, but those who have heard the words, "You can't." Here is an article about his recent speech.

I don't know about you but I hate hearing the words, "You can't." Doesn't that just make you bow your head in shame? Anthony's doctors told him he couldn't play sports and couldn't go to college. Guess What? He's a graduate from Michigan State University and he plays basketball. HA! I wonder how his parents felt.

In this speech he made on his "Relentless Tour" against bullying, he talks about making a difference "one person at a time." This is exactly what we at Nobul are striving to do for every one of you. Violence isn't the answer and Anthony knew that. Hope and inspiration are what got him through and what also got me through those tough times.

"Don't give up," is a motto I believe everyone should hold close to their hearts. In the words of one of my favorite characters in the movie Gifted Hands, "You can do anything anyone else can do, only you can do it better." Go after your dreams and don't let anyone else bring you down with the words, "You can't," because YOU CAN!

--Ruth Jackson

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Nick Lowery Foundation

I going to come right out and say that this man's, Nick Lowery, stand on bullying is an excellent example to follow. Nick is a former NFL player and the founder of the Nick Lowery Foundation. His website here, has many videos and programs geared at the American youth in order to spread awareness of bullying.

I for one, love absolutely love his mission statement:

"We are dedicated to return America to greatness by refocusing Education and Youth Development on (A) unleashing each child's unique Creativity and (B) harnessing these creative new ideas with Leadership skills to transform them into new community assets and products."

Nick is inspiring kids to be leaders, to stand up for people when no one else is watching.

I'm not saying this is the ONLY way to help the current crisis but this is definitely a way to promote inclusion amongst our youngsters. The earlier they understand this powerful truth, the better off they will be as they get older and face other issues. Spreading awareness of bullying helps these kids not to become bullies themselves. Once these kids hold onto this, they can in turn help the younger generation follow the right path which is why Lowery's point B is to give them leadership skills. This is an important aspect of awareness. If the older generation doesn't teach the younger ones the right way, they will make the same mistakes we did.

Let's all be Champions Against Bullying and stand up for one another!

--Ruth Jackson

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bullies on the Big Screen

Boy is it COLD outside!!! I just want to snuggle underneath a blanket and watch a movie. Speaking of which, I've noticed many of the movies I have come to love and watch over and over again have a character that's a bully. Honestly, I didn't really think about it before. Bullies seem to appear in most movies set in a school or surround the life of a young person usually under 18. In High School Musical, there's Sharpay. In 17 Again, there's Stan. In 13 going on 30, there's Lucy. In Despicable Me, there's Gru, Miss Hattie and Despicable Me 2, you have El Macho. In Back to the Future there's Biff. Watching each character taunt, humiliate or utterly destroy someone's confidence/self esteem makes my heart just plummet.

I wanted to bring this to attention because there's a lesson to be learned. Now, I realize these are fiction films, but nevertheless these things happen in real life. I still remember watching the movie, Cyberbully, and having a million emotions go through me. What I went through was nothing compared to what Taylor was feeling. Regardless, no one has any right to treat someone else like dirt. Not a single person. I'm sure many of us have felt similar maybe even wished we weren't alive, but there is something to be said about staying strong and fighting the fight. The key for me to keep myself from falling into believing the lies fed to me from bullies is to remind myself daily that Ruth Jackson is in fact a one-of-a-kind human being and nothing can bring me down!

Here is a list of movies with bullies in them. Some of them I haven't seen yet, but I plan to! Think about what these characters are doing. If you realize you've been doing the same thing, make a change. If you see a classmate being cornered, be their "hero." Sometimes it's scary whether you are being bullied or standing up for someone else, but it's the right thing to do. Be the person others can look up to.

--Ruth Jackson