Friday, August 15, 2014

Robin Williams - Idealistic and Loveable

As we all know by now, the actor Robin Williams passed away in his home in California on August 11, 2014. He was a gifted comedian and actor who had struggles just like you and me. His wife, Susan Schneider, issued a statement ending with "...His greatest legacy, besides his three children, is the joy and happiness he offered to others, particularly to those fighting personal battles." "Robin McLaurin Williams." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 17 Aug. 2014. Even though his life ending in a tragic way, we can all learn from his inspiration and constant encouragement to "beeeee yourself" (from Genie in Aladdin).

I'm sure we all have favorite movies we shared with him, so I'll share mine which is Flubber. Personally, I found the movie to be hilarious! Flubber, which was an invention of Robin William's character, Professor Phillip Brainard, was a film that passed on the message of "The stuff that dreams are made of." This brings me to a quote of his that I think goes hand in hand with Nobul Apparel's theme.

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." 
                                                                                    - Robin Williams

This is exactly what we are trying to do. Nobul wants to change people's perspectives on bullying. Not only that, but to take it one step further and think about the consequences of those actions. I strongly believe that many people get roped into bullying others because "everyone hates so and so" or they are scared they will get bullied if they don't become the bullier. Our idea of spreading inclusion instead of oppression can change how people think. Each one of you can change the world, your world, when you act differently than your peers. Take the video on Nobul's website, about the football team who decided to take a stand. Each person on that team could have decided to treat Keith like many others choose too, by bullying him, but instead they decided to really make him a member of their team.

No matter how uncommon your idea is if it makes someone else feel welcomed, do it! Who knows, maybe you'll change your world. :)

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