Hope everyone is having a fantabulous week! Today, I wanted to bring your attention to this project: SELF EVIDENT TRUTHS. There is a lot to this site so I'm going to point out something that spoke to me. The first being a video I actually saw awhile ago and has brought tears to my eyes yet again. As a whole, the message this website is broadcasting is the fact that we all are unique and should be seen as individuals worthy of respect. Too often, we label others based on their skin color, accent, neighborhood or what "status" they have in society. This is not right. Why? Because everyone is different but first and foremost, a human being.
The video is about stories and how very often we only have as Chimamanda Adichie states, "a single story." For example, a friend tells you about a fight he/she had with a mutual friend. Until you've heard both sides, you haven't heard it all. Don't assume you've heard the whole story when in reality you've only heard one. Sometimes things get skewed or misunderstood. There have been countless times where I've wished people would have asked me what my side of the story was instead of assuming or looking at the situation one sided.
Another point worth mentioning, again, is that even though differences can be scary, getting to know people is a way to break down barriers. When we approach a person who has a disability we've never seen or from a country we've never explored or even someone who's just plain different from us. Instead of having a story already in our heads, let's be open minded and let them tell their story. Honestly, I wouldn't have the amount of uniqueness in my life if I hadn't had the courage to walk up people who were different from me. Exchange stories with someone new. See what he/she says about themselves. It may just be a whole new world.
--Ruth Jackson
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