In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I happened upon this website about a Thanksgiving Prayer written by a young child.
I would venture to say that many people who have been bullied understand what this child is trying to say and hopefully we can follow her lead. It's hard not to want to fight "fire with fire," but we should try to find a positive way to deal with it. My way? I used to bury myself into a fiction novel like Nancy Drew. It wasn't until I was older, in high school, when I decided to be the best Ruth Jackson I could be and not let their taunts get to me. Granted, that was not an easy thing to do but I couldn't stand going home and crying my heart out anymore.
Another website I found here gives a similar message conveying giving thanks for what we have yet keeping in mind those who are without a loved one. The state of Connecticut in particular has seen many cases where bullying goes to court and very often the behavior doesn't change. I'm sure other states have this issue as well including those who commit suicide. Bullying is not a laughing matter. It's a serious one that needs attention and I wholeheartedly agree with the writer, Mathew Jones, when he says, "We believe in reaching kids while they are young. Once they grow up change becomes much harder."
Together, we can make a difference. HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Gobble Gobble!
--Ruth Jackson
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