Monday, September 22, 2014


Hello everyone! Gorgeous morning and I just saw some yellow leaves!! Super stoked for Fall, I even reorganized my closet and sadly put my shorts away. Looking back it was a busy working summer, but I did manage to have some fun in between. Never did get to the beach though....NEXT TIME!

Today, I wanted to talk about a site I came across a couple weeks ago here. When perusing the website, I felt honored to read people's stories about bullying; both sad and courageous ones. Even though middle school was a long time ago, I still remember the words thrown at me and the looks on their faces. There are so many stories on here and love the fact that there is such a place for kids to share and feel welcomed versus the atmosphere school gives.

Personally, I believe one of the biggest hurdles when being bullied is not feeling alone. This site helps kids not only see that other people are going through the same thing, but hopefully gives them courage to stand up. If it weren't for my friends growing up, I honestly have no idea where I'd be.

I choose respect, love, kindness, generosity, inclusion and peace! What do you choose?

--Ruth Jackson

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