Hello Everyone!
I don't know about you, but I had a crazy busy week. Everyday was filled with work with only a bit of "me" time. One positive I can spin out of my hectic life is that I came across some books dealing with overcoming bullies. Some are geared for Elementary kids and others I found are for middle schoolers and above. The book I want to talk about today is more around a second grade reading level, but has interesting and I believe, important points made by the author.
The book is called, Llama Llama and the Bully Goat. What I want to highlight is that Llama told someone about the issue he was having with Bully Goat and his life changed for the better. Sometimes we think that telling someone will only make things worse. I agree, that there are cases where if you trust the wrong person, your plan backfires. This is why trust is so vitally important. With bullying on the rise, more and more adults/supervisors and teachers are being made aware of what to watch for and how to help you and me.
I'll never forget the time when a police officer came to my aid when a group of students were causing trouble for me. This was at a horse camp when I was around the age of 10. For whatever reason, these kids decided I was to be their target for the summer. Once I made it known that I was not happy at all with how they were treating me, the police officer stepped in. From that day forward he looked out of me and those kids didn't bother me one more time. Instead, I was able to forge to new friendship and had a great rest of Horse Camp. Honestly, if I hadn't talked with that police officer, I would have been miserable.
So I encourage you to either read Llama Llama and the Bully Goat or actively find someone you can trust. Whether or not you're in a bad situation now, try to pick out someone you'd go to for help so when the time comes, you know exactly who to go to.
I hope you all have a fantastic week!
--Ruth Jackson
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