Friday, September 5, 2014

Michael Brown: What Now?

Hello All!! Labor Day is behind us and I trust you had a relaxing last weekend before the warm weather ends. Today, I wanted to address the Michael Brown shooting. If you don't know anything about it, I suggest you look here. I searched long and hard to find an article that didn't appear to have a particular slant in any direction. This incident is a sad one, yet still needs to be looked at closely before shouting out accusations.

Until we have all the facts, I don't believe that any one of us should blame the police or Michael himself. Apparently, there has been a bit of mistrust between the African American community and the police force. I don't live in Missouri, so I won't give an opinion on that. Just hope that overtime and with a lot of open communication, both sides can be peaceful with one another.

I hope there is a fair and just trial for police officer Darren Wilson, though community members are worried Robert P. McCulloch, the lead official handling the investigation, will be bias towards the police force. We send our love and condolences to the friends and family of Michael Brown and are very sorry for their loss.

Protesters, including Lesley McFadden, Michael Brown's mother, marched in Ferguson, Mo.
Photo: New York Times

--Ruth Jackson

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