Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It Can Start with You (part 2)

In continuation of my last post, I wanted to talk more about what you can do about bullying. I found this article, Creating a Cyber-Shield Through Parenting and Awareness, on Huffington Post which is directed at parents in particular, but it's a good read for all of us.

Huffington Post has a number of articles surrounding the topic of bullying and this one discusses cyberbullying. Since the beginning of social media, there have been cyberbullies. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, of even here on Blogger. Bullies still say hurtful things in person, but it's become more prevalent to throw even more lashes online. What can you do about it?

The article linked here talks about parents being a "cyber-shield' for their children. Personally, I believe this is a great way to monitor what your children are saying and receiving. There is however, a right and wrong way to do this. As children are growing older, they should be allowed to make decisions on their own, but at the same time be mindful. I love the fact that this piece gives examples and advice to parents in order for them to be a cyber-shield and cyber-role model for their kids.

Growing up, I'm glad I wasn't on Facebook. I was more of a reader and enjoyed playing soccer in my downtime. Even so, keeping young kids away from social media might not be such a bad road to take. The younger they are, the more susceptible they are. While they are in high school, even though bullies can be more vicious here, giving them access to social media, but being a cyber-shield can be beneficial. This gives the tweens and teens ability to talk to one another and share ideas, pictures, videos and even articles. There are some things that texting just isn't capable of doing.

Granted, I don't have kids of my own right now, but I hope when I get to that point I will be able to be an effective cyber-shield for my children. All it takes is for the parent/guardian to understand the implications of bullying and be willing to take the time to teach their child how to behave in person as well as online. It can start with YOU! What will you do in the fight against bullying?

--Ruth Jackson

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