Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It Can Start with YOU

Hello everyone! For those of you in school, it's almost halfway until the end of first semester!

Today, I wanted to talk more about what you can do to stop bullies in their tracks. I found National Education Association (NEA) a couple days ago that talks specifically about what educators and teachers can do about bullying. Many schools are advocating for a bully-free school zone, but until teachers and administrators take action, that thought is just a thought.

Looking back at my growing up years in school, I wish the adults in my life took a stand against the bullies that kept attacking me. Some thought I would learn to overcome adversity through all this, but even though I  can sense that what I went through made me stronger and stand up for myself, having someone around who cared and wanted to help would have made such a difference. This is why whenever I see someone else being bullied, I make my presence known. NEA's president Lily Eskelsen Garcia explains, "I hope to never hear an educator or parent or a Sunday School teacher say to a frightened bullied child, 'Just ignore it.' School that are seeing a decrease in bullying are no ignoring it. They are acting."

I'll admit, I'm a no nonsense kind of girl and I take bullying seriously because I know what it's like. Whether or not you know what it's like to be bullied, take a stand and let that kid know he/she is not alone. Help them build confidence. Even if no one else is standing by their side, it can start with you.

Ignoring the issue is not the solution. Facing it head on and being a verbal/active advocate makes the difference. You don't have to be the hero in the moment, even if you just acknowledge what happened afterwards you will be doing the right thing. You can send a simple text message, or just let the person know that you saw what happened and you don't think it is okay.

Check out the website I linked above. Make a difference and let it start with YOU!

--Ruth Jackson

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